The story begun in 2010 when a group of envisioned friends decided to embark on a journey to fulfill their dream. A few years later and with many stories to tell throughout this extraordinary journey, Lush Beach Bar Resto became what it is today. A seaside restaurant that became a year-round desire.
A desire to escape your daily routine, not matter the season, and indulge in a few hours of taste, music and sharing of moments with friends and family. The perfect Mediterranean mix of refined tastes, music and entertainment.
The Lush way of life is guided by a deep desire to share with our guests the exceptional stories each season has to offer and create life long memories.
The story begun in 2010 when a group of envisioned friends decided to embark on a journey to fulfill their dream. A few years later and with many stories to tell throughout this extraordinary journey, Lush Beach Bar Resto became what it is today. A seaside restaurant that became a year-round desire.
A desire to escape your daily routine, not matter the season, and indulge in a few hours of taste, music and sharing of moments with friends and family. The perfect Mediterranean mix of refined tastes, music and entertainment.
The Lush way of life is guided by a deep desire to share with our guests the exceptional stories each season has to offer and create life long memories.
The story begun in 2010 when a group of envisioned friends decided to embark on a journey to fulfill their dream. A few years later and with many stories to tell throughout this extraordinary journey, Lush Beach Bar Resto became what it is today. A seaside restaurant that became a year-round desire.
A desire to escape your daily routine, not matter the season, and indulge in a few hours of taste, music and sharing of moments with friends and family. The perfect Mediterranean mix of refined tastes, music and entertainment.
The Lush way of life is guided by a deep desire to share with our guests the exceptional stories each season has to offer and create life long memories.